
MAD Hatter

IMG_0089Mad as a Hatter, so goes the expression, and Mad Margie has been making quite a few hats this year! some are crochet, some knitted, and some she knits in a really large size and then felts. Those hats are a little too warm to wear in the summer time–but the lighterweight chapeausĀ  she makes areĀ  accessories that make a colorful statement. Take a look at more hats on her new MAD Hatter page here.

Spring Time!

newcardpendant, originally uploaded by Mad Margie.

Mad Margie is getting ready for Spring! She’s cleaned out the studio, rearranged the work areas, and taken classes at the recent huge Glass Expo in Las Vegas. She’s making all sorts of new goodies.

She’s also got a brand new business card, and is putting up some very lovely pendant necklaces at her Etsy store this week. Check back later to see them all. Each glass pendant has a gold fill or sterling bail and a 18″ long color coordinated cord of twisted polyester with a ball and loop closure. It comes in a cute little bag—all ready for gifting on Mother’s Day or other occasions!

Stick ’em up!

fused glass magnets, originally uploaded by Mad Margie.

Mad Margie makes magnets. Like jewelry for your refrigerator, these beautiful fused class cabochons with dichroic accents can brighten up the kitchen.

Margie uses the cabochons she creates in making pins, pendants, and magnets like these when she’s not working on bowls, plates, and window hangings. Glass adds a sparkle that you just cant get with other materials.

Why settle for ‘fridge magnets that advertise the local dry cleaner or pizza place when you can have little objects of art instead?

cabs on a plate, originally uploaded by Mad Margie.

Mad Margie serves up something hot and tasty while enjoying an unusually mild winter. Here’s an entire plate full of fused glass cabochons ready to be made into jewelry, magnets, or embellishments for mosaics. She sells cabochons, bowls and finished jewelry through Bead Lounge in Longmont Colorado and in her Etsy Store online.

valentine window art 3, originally uploaded by Mad Margie.

This beautiful pink, purple and white fused glass heart is ready for hanging from two metal loops embedded into the 96COE glass–it would be lovely in a window. Outlined with raised glass dots, this heart is sturdy and yet can still be broken if dropped, just like those in love! Keep it safe and suspended in a window for all to see and show off your heart all year round.

Valentine Red Hots Dish

valentine dish, originally uploaded by Mad Margie.mmvalentinebowl1

This beautiful fused glass bowl features a red and pink heart detailed with raised red and carmine spots that look a bit like candy red hots. But they are part of the design–don’t try to eat them!

This is just one of the items available in Mad Margie’s NEW etsy store!

Please do visit and take a look.

She’s got bowls, window art, and cabochons ready for use by jewelry or mosaic artists. Coming up next–more cabochons, plus fused glass pendants, and pins!

a fused glass snowflake plate with dichroic center

snowflake 2, originally uploaded by Mad Margie.

This delicately patterned fused glass plate is a perfect decorative accent for the wintery weather we’ve been having. Dichroic glass embellishes the design with frosty effect.

Mad Margie is keeping things warm with loads of glass in the kiln, and preparing for big updates to the web pages including gallery features and an upcoming etsy store.

Check back soon to see what’s new while Margie melts things.

Another Picture

Blue NecklaceAnother new picture
Blue Dichroic Glass beads made in to a necklace with blue fused cabochons and gold plated bails.
Margie’s work is featured at Bead Lounge and is in the St. Valentine’s window.

Something new….

2pendantsHere are some new pendants with Margie’s fused glass and Laura Humenik’s PMC.

Precious Metal Clay is a form of silver that can be shaped, and is heated to temps compatable with fused glass.

Laura and Margie both sell their art at Etsy.com storefronts.

She Melts Things…


This is the new blog for Margie Drake, fused glass and mixed media artist.